About me
Hi! I’m Xueqi Cheng, a M.S. student in Computer Science at Vanderbilt University, advised by Dr. Derr in the Network and Data Science (NDS) Lab. Before joining Vanderbilt University, I received the M.S. degree from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and the B.S. degree from Southwest Jiaotong University.
I am passionate about deep learning on graphs, network analysis, computational social science, and LLMs. Feel free to email me if we have aligned interests, and I’m open to collaborations.
[11/2024] Our paper Edge-centric Analytics in Networks is accepted at WSDM’25 Doctoral Consortium!
[10/2024] Our paper A Comprehensive Analysis of Social Tie Strength: Definitions, Prediction Methods, and Future Directions is now online!
[10/2024] Our paper Edge Classification on Graphs: New Directions in Topological Imbalance is accepted at WSDM’25!
[08/2024] Our paper A Survey on Privacy in Graph Neural Networks: Attacks, Preservation, and Applications is accepted at IEEE TKDE!
[06/2024] Our paper Edge Classification on Graphs: New Directions in Topological Imbalance is now online!
[04/2024] Our paper Fairness and Diversity in Recommender Systems: A Survey is accepted at ACM TIST!
[01/2024] Our paper A Topological Perspective on Demystifying GNN-Based Link Prediction Performance is accepted at ICLR’24!
[11/2023] Invited to serve as the publicity chair of The 5th International Workshop on Machine Learning on Graphs (MLoG) at WSDM’24!
[10/2023] Our preprint A Topological Perspective on Demystifying GNN-Based Link Prediction Performance is now online!
[08/2023] Our preprint A Survey on Privacy in Graph Neural Networks: Attacks, Preservation, and Applications is now online!
[08/2023] Invited to serve as a PC member for IEEE workshop BigData CTA3 2023!
[08/2023] Awarded Vanderbilt Engineering Graduate Fellowship!
[07/2023] Our preprint Fairness and Diversity in Recommender Systems: A Survey is now online!
[05/2023] Excited to join NDS Lab supervised by Dr. Derr!